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FP7 Capcities Programme

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PROJECT NO : 217787


Europa SiS:
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EFORTT Events Archive

Ageing with technologies: a participative conference on care in Europe

Our final conference was held in the beautiful historic Casa de la Convalescencia, BARCELONA, 13th and 14th September 2010.

See the conference page and


SENIOR Final Conference

Conference Centre Albert Borschette (Room 1D), Rue Froissart 36, 1040 Brussels - 27 November


Knowledge sharing for co-inquiry

A workshop to explore participation, engagement and co-operative research in the context of the EU FP7's latest call under its Science in Society programme

Monday, 7 September 2009
from 09.30 to 15.45
Research Beehive, Room 2.21, Old Library Building
Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

  • Closely following the launch of the European Commission's call for proposals under its FP7 Science in Society (SiS) Programme 2010, this workshop will be an early opportunity for those based in universities, research institutes and wider society to discuss the potential for the programme.  Kevin Walsh, who jointly oversees SiS for the Commission's DG Research, will provide a briefing on the Programme.
  • Other contributors will explore aspects of work in previous SiS and related EU programmes, both from the perspective of those co-ordinating projects, civil society participants and those critically evaluating these and similar initiatives from a distance.
  • The event is hosted by the Policy, Ethics and Life Sciences (PEALS) Research Centre which has long been involved in pioneering co-operative approaches to research with grassroots community groups. People involved in the community groups and initiatives in the North East of England, including those with whom PEALS has worked in the context of European policy-making, will also be contributing.


Embodiment, Subjectivity and Ageing: Emerging Areas of Exploration

10 - 11 September 2009
Newcastle University

This symposium will promote discussion on ageing with particular attention to what embodiment means and entails in the context of older age. While social gerontology is an established and productive field of research, less prominent has been the careful sociological and anthropological attention paid to the experience of ageing, embodiment, and subjectivity. A small but growing number of scholars have been working at this point of intersection, but research in this area remains fractured and disparate. Furthermore, the attention that is generally paid in social science to embodiment usually relates to youth and middle age rather than in relation to the ageing body.

This meeting is an opportunity to bring social scientists working on such questions of ageing together to discuss their research, and seeks to open new space to consider the theoretical possibilities suggested by their work. In particular, the meeting seeks to bring together recent sociological and anthropological work investigating ageing and the body with colleagues working in medicine and assistive technology.


TeleMed & eHealth '08

Monday 24 - Tuesday 25 November 2008

Conference Aims and Objectives

Optimising patient centred care is seen by patients,government and healthcare providers as a way of improving both healthcare outcomes and patient satisfaction.

  • eHealth technologies have the potential to play a key role in this process. TeleMed & eHealth 2008 will explore the opportunities and challenges surrounding their introduction.

Key Issues

  • The state of the evidence base on the potential effectiveness of these technologies
  • Their ease of use
  • How they can be integrated into mainstream care services
  • The financial implications of their adoption


Ethics and E-inclusion workshop, Slovenia 12 May 2008

Ethics and E-inclusion Workshop Programme (MS Word .doc, 157kb)


Telecare: Dialogue and Debate –
The emergence of new technologies and responsibilities for healthcare at home in Europe

Utrecht: 20 - 21 September 2007

Further information, papers and presentations

New and emerging ‘care technologies' are the visible, material signs of attempts to solve a range of health related problems in Western economies. In particular, given the current and projected growth of those in the older age groups and policies aimed at ‘aging in place', telecare technologies are being promoted to support the care needs (or perceived needs) of frail older people within the domestic environment. A spectrum of care technologies from responsive to preventive based on information and communication technology (ICT) exists or is being developed to provide ‘care at a distance'.

The conference objective was to open up a critical space for participants involved in the design, development, implementation and daily use of telecare technologies across Europe. Participation consisted of an audience and speakers drawn from clinicians, designers of new care technologies, older people and carers, as well as health policy makers operating at national and European levels.

Our aim was to identify ways in which knowledge can be exchanged and developed across and within different groups for whom these issues are of interest. We also identified issues within this field of interest which have had, to date, received only limited attention.
The event was also an opportunity to foster new collaborations for developing research, effective practice and policy-making.

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