Department of European Languages and Cultures


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'Minorites en vue' colloquium

Date: 31 March 2011

A colloquium organised by the Department of European Languages and Cultures will bring together academics from the UK and France on 6 May 2011 to engage with recent debates around French national identity and consider the salience of certain ethnic or religious minorities in public discourse. The 'Minorites en vue' colloquium will reflect on the conditions that bring certain minorities into, and out of, focus. It will ask how France's minorities negotiate their intermittent (in)visibility through literary and cinematic representations, and consider how the latter are linked to relations of power.

The keynote paper will be delivered by Pap Ndiaye (EHESS, Paris), author of La Condition noire: essai sur une minorité française (Calmann-Lévy, 2008).The programme and registration information are now available from or

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