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 Ling 131: Language & Style

 Topic 7 (session A) - The grammar of complex sentences > More on nesting > Task E

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Grammar made easy - the basic principles
Linking, listing and nesting clauses
More nesting
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More on nesting

Task E - indirectly nested clauses (iii) - comparative clauses (CCls)

The last kind of indirectly nested clause we need to consider is the comparative clause.

Look at the sentences below and identify the nested clauses with in them and where they come. Then compare your thoughts with ours.

1. That bow tie is even gaudier than the ones he usually wears

2. That professor has got more bow ties than I've had hot dinners

our answer

Our answer




1. That bow tie |

is |

even gaudier (than the ones he usually wears)

Here the headword of the Complement AdjP is postmodified by a Comparative clause (CCl - so-called because it involves a comparison) with the structure CjOSAP. We could substitute the postmodifying phrase 'than usual' for it.





2. That professor |

has got |

more bow ties (than I've had hot dinners)

Here the headword of the Object NP is postmodified by a comparative clause (CCl).

chuckle stop



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