Resource 58: Marking Criteria for Practical Work (University of Salford)

From Salford University BA Media & Performance / BA Performing Arts
Student Handbook

Marking Criteria for Practical Assignments and Projects

100 -90%      Exceptional and distinguished work of a professional standard.

                      Outstanding technical and expressive skills. Work demonstrating

                      exceptional creativity and imagination. Work displaying great flair and


89-80%         Excellent and highly developed work of a professional standard.

                      Extremely good technical and expressive skills. Work demonstrating a

                      high level of creativity and imagination. Work displaying flair and


 79-70%        Very good work which approaches professional standard. Very good

                       technical and expressive skills. Work demonstrating good creativity and

                       imagination. Work displaying originality.

69-60%          A good standard of work. Good technical and expressive skills. Work

                       displaying creativity and imagination. Work displaying some


59-50%          A reasonable standard of work. Adequate technical and expressive

                       skills. Work displaying competence in the criteria assessed, but which

                       may be lacking some creativity or originality.

49-40%          A limited, but adequate standard of work. Limited technical and ex   

                       expressive skills. Work displaying some weaknesses in the criteria

                       assessed and lacking creativity or originality.

39-30%          Limited work which fails to meet the required standard. Weak

                       technical and expressive skills. Work displaying significant

                       weaknesses in the criteria assessed.

29-20%          Poor work. Unsatisfactory technical or expressive skills. Work

                       displaying significant or fundamental weaknesses in the criteria


19-10%          Very poor work or work where very little attempt has been made. A

                        lack of technical or expressive skills. Work displaying fundamental

                        weaknesses in the criteria assessed.

9-1%              Extremely poor work or work where no serious attempt has been made.

* Note: Students receiving an award with Honours classification must gain at least 40% in each area of assessment in year three. Students whose overall mark (including those marks carried over from year two) is 40% or over but hwo have failed to reach this level in one or more third year areas of assessment, will normally be offered a an ordinary Pass degree (ie without honours) provided that in no case did their mark fall lower than 35%. A student with a mark of less than 35% in any third year level of assessment or with less than 40% overall, will be deemed to have failed the degree.

Attendance Rules and Penalties

For all modules the following rules apply:

a)        1 or 2 justifiable absences will not be penalised on the student’s assignment grade for the module.  You must however notify the relevant tutor and/or your year tutor of any absences, (messages can be left on voicemail).

b)        3 absences from any module will result in a deduction of 15 marks (BA) or one

       grading band (HND) of his or her assignment grade for the module.  This will

       result in a fail grade if the student’s mark for the module is less than 15 marks        

       above the pass threshold (BA) or less than a pass (HND).

c)        4 absences (or more) will result in a Fail mark for the module.

d)        Where a student is late for class on two occasions, this will be recorded as one

        absence.  Consistent lateness following this penalty will result in a fail for the


A late mark will be given when a student is over 10 minutes late.

Students who are over half and hour late will be marked absent.

Where a student is likely to fail a module due to absences, they should nonetheless complete all assignments, as the Exam Board may condone a pass if mitigating circumstances are presented.

Project/Workshop modules:

Absences at any time during project modules should be considered serious, as projects in particular rely on regular student attendance.