Central and East European Music (centr-and-east-euro-music@mailbase.ac.uk)

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join centr-and-east-euro-music firstname lastname

to mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk

Messages to centr-and-east-euro-music@mailbase.ac.uk

List owners: Ann Buckley and Geoff Chew (uhwm006@sun.rhbnc.ac.uk)

Academic discussion list for the discussion of Central and East European music.

This list exists in order to communicate ideas and engage in discussion on musicological research on Central and Eastern Europe. Musicology is here defined in the widest sense to include historical musicology, theory, analysis, criticism, ethnomusicology, sociology, iconography, organology, and interdisciplinary studies which include a music component.

Participation in this list is welcomed from all who study any aspect of music, past or present, in which the primary focus is on regions to the east of a line running roughly north-south from Germany to the Adriatic.

Page last updated: 7 April 1998