: # This file is executed after /etc/.login when you login. # The file is used for defining your login environment for use with # the C-shell. # This is an example ~/.login, created by tipper@unix.lancs.ac.uk # Note ~/.login runs *AFTER* ~/.cshrc # If you want colour terminals, uncomment this line: #setenv TERM xtermc # Editors, options include 'vim', 'emacs', 'pico' and 'ue' setenv UAEDITOR vim setenv EDITOR vim setenv VISUAL vim # Fix the path the way we like it. setenv PATH "${HOME}/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:~clinch/bin:${PATH}" # stty options, switch off flow control stty -ixon # homegrown setup, uncomment the following to not get the warning # setenv YES_I_KNOW_ABOUT_HOMEGROWN true # Run whatever the homegrown setup scripts are source /usr/local/homegrown/bin/setup_homegrown.csh # Uncomment the following line to use bash as your shell # exec bash --login