# Sample .muttrc, note that THIS FILE WILL NOT WORK WITHOUT CHANGING IT # All the parts you have to edit should be in the top section. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Things You Really Should Change #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- set realname='Your Name' set from='you@lancaster.ac.uk' send-hook . set signature = ~/.sig send-hook . "my_hdr From: Your Name " # should check $mailboxes for mail every $timeout # + is for $MAIL_PATH set timeout=60 set spoolfile=$MAIL # Lists alternative mail addresses, comment out if you have no # alternative accounts set alternates="you@hotmail.com|you@yahoo.com|you@yourdomain.com" #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Program Options #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Use $EDITOR of choice, vim with a text width of 76, starting at the 8th line #set editor="vim +':set textwidth=74' +':set wrap' +\`awk '/^$/ {print i+2; exit} {i++}' %s\` %s" #set editor="emacs -nw +8 %s" set editor=$VISUAL # Deal with IMAP config set tunnel="ssh -q mail.lancs.ac.uk exec /etc/rimapd" set spoolfile={mail.lancs.ac.uk}INBOX # Incoming mail set folder={mail.lancs.ac.uk} # Default folder set record={mail.lancs.ac.uk}sent-mail # Stored sent mail set mail_check=90 # Don't thrash the NW set timeout=15 # Put up with lag # Show documentation when pressing F1 macro generic "!less /usr/local/homegrown/packages/mutt-\n" "Show Mutt documentation" macro index "!less /usr/local/homegrown/packages/mutt-\n" "Show Mutt documentation" macro pager "!less /usr/local/homegrown/packages/mutt-\n" "Show Mutt documentation" # Misc options set ascii_chars=yes # Trust not the termcap of Sun set markers=no # Turn off wrapping markers for text set tilde=yes # Show where text stopped unset mark_old # Stop marking non-read mail as old set pager_index_lines=6 # Setup split view set pager_stop # Can't page-down to next message set reply_self # Removes me from list when replying set envelope_from=yes # Set envelope from the From: header set mime_forward=yes # Forward as MIME encapsulated message set abort_nosubject=ask-yes # Ask to abort if no subject set abort_unmodified=ask-yes # Ask to abort if no body # Message construction set hostname="unix.lancs.ac.uk" # better than cent1, can move. set edit_headers # Allows editing of headers send-hook . set signature = ~/.sig # Sets up a signature file my_hdr Organization: Lancaster University # Key bindings bind pager "b" previous-page # More less-like bind pager "n" next-entry bind index "\Cf" forget-passphrase # In case we have PGP users bind pager "^?" previous-line # Backspace goes backup macro pager \eOH top # For page-up/down keys macro pager \eOF bottom # Folder options set save_empty # Preserve empty mailboxes folder-hook . set sort=threads # Sort into threads set sort=threads set move=no # Don't ask about moving when exiting unset confirmappend # Don't ask about appending to mboxen # View text/plain first alternative_order text/plain text/enriched text # Headers, ignore all, unignore interesting, then reorder ignore * unignore from: sender x-sender reply-to to cc organization organisation unignore date subject unignore comments keywords hdr_order date from sender x-sender reply-to to cc subject organization organisation comments keywords