Linguistics and English Language, Lancaster University


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The conference will take place in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences building.  For those of you who know the campus, this is off the main spine near the Conference Centre (and almost opposite the entrance to the fairly new 'Bowland North' set of rooms).  On the Campus map, the FASS building (previously the Institute for Advanced Studies building) is number 21.  For those of you who know where the Linguistics Department is, in County South, that's number 18 on the map.

If you're driving, you can park in any of the visitor car parks marked in red on the parking map. You will need either a visitor scratch-card or pay & display ticket, for details please see full details of visitor parking. The car park on John Creed Avenue is the most convenient for the conference. If you get stuck, go to the Security Lodge and they will be able to help.

If you get a taxi from the train station, ask the driver to drop you off at John Creed Avenue, you can get into the FASS building through the glass double doors in the building at the end of this avenue (walking down a path through a large patch of grass). Buses drop off on the perimeter road around campus and in the underpass (number 33 on the map), from where it is just a short walk to the FASS building.