Literacies for Learning in Further Education
~ A Further and Higher Education Research Project ~
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Literacy practices in students' everyday lives


To illustrate the variety of uses of reading and writing in students' everyday lives, here are five examples of literacies in real life.


To illustrate the range of uses of reading and writing in individual students' lives, here are two student case studies. Katy and Pauline

Results of the analysis:

The literacy practices which students tend to use in their everyday lives are, on the whole:

Multi-modal. On the whole, students reading and writing combines the use of symbols, pictures, colour, music, etc.

Multi-media. Students' uses of literacy combine the uses of paper-based and electronic media.

Shared. For example, they tend to be interactive, participatory and collaborative.

Non-linear. For example, different reading paths are taken through a text - dipping in to sections, flicking through, finding relevant bits - rather than following a linear route from the beginning to the end of the text.

Agentic. Students tend to have responsibility within these practices.

Purposeful to the student.

Have a clear sense of audience.

Generative - involving sense-making and creativity.

Self-determined in terms of activity, time and place.

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